Torso Program
Previous Productions of ATOI
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This was the most-talked-about play we had ever done.
“Calendar Girls” is based on a true story of a Women’s Institute (WI) in Yorkshire, England who put together a calendar to raise money for leukemia research. This play, written by Tim Wirth (who also co-wrote the screenplay for the movie of the same name) has a cast of 14 people; some new to the Actors Theater and many of our regulars.
When Annie’s (Suzanne Gropper) husband John (Tony Lee) dies of leukemia, she and best friend Chris (Bev Leyman) resolve to raise money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room. They manage to persuade four fellow WI members (Holly King, Lesley Liddle, Melinda Milligan and Bailey Sande) to pose nude with them for an “alternative” calendar, with a little help from hospital porter and amateur photographer Lawrence (Kelly Toombs).
The news of the women’s charitable venture spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press soon descend on the small village of Knapeley in the Yorkshire Dales. The calendar is a success, but Chris and Annie’s friendship is put to the test under the strain of their new-found fame. Other actors include Aaimee Johnson, Annette Garver, Carla Weston, Freddy Hinkle, John Mazzarella and Quija Keogh. “Calendar Girls” is directed by Doug Bechtel.
“Calendar Girls” opened on Friday, September 11, 2015 with additional performances on Saturday, the 12th; Friday, the 18th; Saturday, the 19th; Friday the 25th; Saturday, the 26th and Sunday the 27th. All performances are at the Grange at 7:30 pm.
The cast and crew of our local production of “Calendar Girls” also made a 2016 calendar which was available for purchase at intermission.
What some newspapers have said about “Calendar Girls”:
“It’s a show full of poignant moments – about friendship, determination and hope; about loss in many forms; about the importance of acceptance; about knowing when to let go. But it also offers plenty of humour, as the six friends and WI members decide to pose nude for a calendar” – Liverpool Daily Post
“Unashamedly sentimental and full of heart and bare-faced cheek, Tim Firth’s stage adaptation of his own film script, inspired by the group of Yorkshire WI members who stripped off for a charity calendar to raise money for Leukaemia Research, should rake in a bob or two itself.” – The Guardian
Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz
Thursday, Friday, Saturday — November 11, 12, 13
Thursday, Friday, Saturday — November 18, 19, 20
Actors Theater of Orcas Island invites you to take a visit to the Palm Springs desert, and into the home of the Wyeth family as they gather together on Christmas Eve 2004 in an upcoming production of Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz (ABC’s Brothers & Sisters).
Brooke Wyeth returns home after a six-year absence to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her brother, and her aunt. Brooke announces that she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the familys history a wound they dont want reopened. In effect, she draws a line in the sand and dares them all to cross it.
Other Desert Cities, directed by Lin McNulty, features outstanding performances by Katie Zwilling (Brooke), Melinda Milligan (Polly), Tom Fiscus (Lyman), Indy Zoeller (Trip), and Suzanne Gropper (Silda). Power, passion, and superbly-crafted dialogue highlights this performance.
The most richly enjoyable new play for grown-ups that New York has known in many seasons In his most fully realized play to date, Mr. Baitz makes sure our sympathies keep shifting among the members of the wounded family portrayed here. Every one of them emerges as selfish, loving, cruel, compassionate, irritating, charming, and just possibly heroic leaves you feeling both moved and gratifyingly sated. The New York Times
Other Desert Cities runs Friday through Sunday, November 11-13 & 16-18 at 7:30 p.m. at The Grange. Tickets are $10 and available from Darvills,, and at the door. On opening night, Veterans are free. This may not be suitable for children due to language and content.
Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz
Thursday, Friday, Saturday — November 11, 12, 13
Thursday, Friday, Saturday — November 18, 19, 20
Katie Zwilling as Brooke Wyeth
Melinda Milligan as Polly Wyeth
Tom Fiscus as Lyman Wyeth
Suzanne Gropper as Silda Grauman
Indy Zoeller as Trip Wyeth
The Wyeth house
Christmas Eve, 2004
Brooke Wyeth returns home to Palm Springs after a six-year absence to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her brother and her aunt. Brooke announces that she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the family’s history — a wound they don’t want reopened. In effect, she draws a line in the sand and dares them all to cross it.
“The most richly enjoyable new play for grown-ups that New York has known in many seasons — In his most fully realized play to date, Mr. Baitz makes sure our sympathies keep shifting among the members of the wounded family portrayed here. Every one of them emerges as selfish, loving, cruel, compassionate, irritating, charming, and just possibly heroic — leaves you feeling both moved and gratifyingly sated.” – The New York Times